We all go through it. Things that terrify us. Things that hurt us. Things that annoy and piss us off. I'm in that run, unfortunately. It seems like every time I start something new (podcast, YouTube video schedule, etc) something awful happens. It almost makes one believe that there is an actual curse laid on him.
I work as an Industrial Electronics Technician Apprentice. The curriculum that I work under is garbage. The material is outdated, the study system is horrible, you never know what questions will be asked on your tests, etc. I have until February 5th or so, to have 10 tests completed. I have worked my tail off to get it to 10 tests, and I am confident on knocking out 3, very quickly.
That being said.
If I don't have these done, I will be terminated from my workplace on the effective date. No job transfers within the plant. No extended time. No anything. Gone. I'll be jobless.
So I have been kicking my own ass, trying to kill these tests. So far, it's been stressful. Still is.
I broke down the other night because of it. Cried into my girlfriends chest; something that I have never done to that degree.
What I'm trying to say is that I have been busy, and hope to get back to doing some of the projects that I planned on doing. But starving in the street isn't a lifestyle that suits me well.. So I have to fry those fish first.
(This will be copied and pasted to all of my social medias, lol)